Taste Testing
Welcome to Spruce Moki Animation Studio! We are a cutting-edge animation studio committed to producing mesmerizing and unforgettable animated content. Our team of highly skilled artists and animators toil ceaselessly to breathe life into your ideas, ensuring that every frame bursts with originality and boundless imagination. From conceptualization to final execution, our goal is to provide you with animations of unparalleled quality that will leave a lasting imprint on your audience. Stay tuned for our forthcoming projects and brace yourself for a truly awe-inspiring experience! Spruce Moki Animation Studio, where dreams take flight!
Audio – DinoBellyLover66
Audio – Audio Elk
Audio – Jeschke
Model – Acidic
Model – Zairiza
Rigging – NuttyMrGecky
Bunsen the Dragon – Bunsen
Malfaren the Dragon – Malfaren
Domenic the I-Rex – DinoBellyLover66
Taste Testing
Jax is offering the giant wolf a chance to taste test him. Slow… methodical… deliberate.
v2 – Now includes a nose squish, front licking, minor maw play and oral vore! As well as a quick POV nomph~
Lighting changes have been made for better clarity while trying to maintain the dramatic contrast of hues.
Also, audio from a new audio designer for part 2!
Buck Club EXCLUSIVE content.

Spruce Moki Animation Studio
Content goes public 12/15/24

Spruce Moki Animation Studio