Spruce Moki’s VR Test
Audio – DinoBellyLover66
Audio – Audio Elk
Audio – Jeschke
Model – Acidic
Model – Zairiza
Rigging – NuttyMrGecky
Bunsen the Dragon – Bunsen
Malfaren the Dragon – Malfaren
Domenic the I-Rex – DinoBellyLover66
Spruce Moki’s VR Test
Come test out this VR game!
There isn’t much to it right now. I just want to make sure my initial settings are good and that things work. But for your trouble, I placed various in-progress characters in the scene to gawk at!
To play/test, you must be a subscriber. Go to whichever portal is applicable to you, download the zip from the MEGA link, unzip, and launch “JaxDanceTest.exe”
Please provide me with feedback!
1. Did the game launch?
2. Did it detect your VR device and can you move around? You should be able to rotate and teleport.
3. Can you hear the fire in the center of the room?
4. Is Jax dancing?
5. Do you have any suggestions? These can include game design suggestions, character design suggestions, etc. Anything really! Feedback of any kind is welcome.
If you are having problems, please describe the problem and include what you’re trying to open and play the game with.
Use Alt-F4 or the task manager to quit the game. I have not programmed any button or menu to quit yet.
Plans include:
1. Adding keyboard/mouse controls and a way for it to automatically detect if you have a VR headset.
2. A radial menu to switch between animations.
3. Add a second animated character.
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Spruce Moki Animation Studio
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Spruce Moki Animation Studio
1. Did the game launch?
2. Did it detect your VR device and can you move around? You should be able to rotate and teleport.
Yes, I didn’t have to do any additional setup, and I could see my hands articulating. I could not, however rotate or teleport using the controllers. I had very poor performance inside the experience, so that may be the cause.
3. Can you hear the fire in the center of the room?
4. Is Jax dancing?
Hmmm strange about the performance. Good to know though! I wonder if there is anything I can do to improve the performance.
I tried it again today and it ran much better, I was able to move around and interact with things now. There was also a “real life” menu option to close the game from within VR by clicking in the thumbstick.
As far as future content, having interactable stuff in VR would be really cool, maybe something like the physbones available in Unity. Just first person experiences would be really neat too.
I’m a sucker for any gamification when it comes to this stuff, but I know that’d be a huge undertaking.
I’m glad it worked this time!
Like having the characters react to touch? Or just certain “parts”? I’ll have to look that up. I’m guessing I’ll need help setting something like that up. I have ideas, it’s just a matter of implementation! Thank you for your ideas!
The game did launch, however it did not detect my VR headset; the VIVE Focus Vision. The app launched on my computer monitor in a top/bottom split-screen, with the top half having the actual ‘VR world’, with Jax dancing, and the bottom half being completely black. I could hear the fire over my speakers.
Did you try it with Steam VR running?
That worked!! Thank you!
everything worked like it should be, also i saw the “real life” option in the menu that closed the game. so i didnt need to use alt+F4 or taskmanager to close it
Oh good to hear! Is that something built into your headset?
i just clicked the menu button and selcted the last one, then it just closed the game
1. Yes the game launched but when taking the headset off and steam VR going into sleep mode it caused it to crash
2. Yes it did
4. Yes
5. Yes! Some pov vore stuff ofc! And maybe some digestion and full tour options. There definitely needs to me more VR vore game content
Might be a limitation with steam vr? If Steam VR is running the game and it goes to sleep, then it makes sense the game shuts down. Though I wonder if I can have the game keep Steam VR alert while it’s on.
Also, thanks for the suggestions! I have an idea for a full tour experience. Should be fun!
1. Did the game launch?
2. Did it detect your VR device and can you move around? You should be able to rotate and teleport.
3. Can you hear the fire in the center of the room?
4. Is Jax dancing?
Excellent work!
And thanks for testing and leaving feedback!
1. Did the game launch?
yes, it launched with no issue, anyone saying it does not launch, try deleting the files, redownloading, right click the zip file, extract the files, launch SteamVR BEFORE you launch the game, then launch the application file.
2. Did it detect your VR device and can you move around? You should be able to rotate and teleport.
yes. it detected my Valve Index through SteamVR perfectly. i was able to move around, look around, rotate camera, pick up guns and shoot the blocks.
3. Can you hear the fire in the center of the room?
Yes, the fires noises where calming.
4. Is Jax dancing?
yes, he do be moving and grooving.
5. Do you have any suggestions? These can include game design suggestions, character design suggestions, etc. Anything really! Feedback of any kind is welcome.
My Suggestions:
1. invert controls so that you use left thumbstick to move and right thumbstick to rotate camera by default with the option to invert them to their current left to rotate and right to move. it was very confusing to move around the first time i launched the game due to the backwards thumbstick bindings.
2. add jiggle physics to the fun bits on the avatars (butts, bellies, privates, ears, tails, ect) and the ability to interact with them with your hands.
3. add a few player models and the ability to use Full Body Tracking (FBT), id suggest getting in contact with softscale, the owner and creator of FarmD for help with that.
4. add some more of your models and some customizations to them like maybe clothes or some other fun stuffs.
5. add a Virtual camera like in VRChat for taking virtual pictures and so you can record some interactions with a third person view instead of a first person view.
Good job! :3
Thank you for trying out the game and your thorough review!
1. As far as the controls go, I guess I don’t play enough VR to have noticed any issue with that lol I’ll do some research on that.
2. I am definitely interested in checking out the jiggle physics stuff.
3. I’m not sure if this fits in with my plans, but we’ll see how my ideas develop. My immediate idea is transitioning my interactives from pre-rendered videos that the viewer toggles through, to a more immersive experience, either with fixed cameras or maybe a free cam, both in VR and on mouse/keyboard configurations. The viewer themselves would not have a body. They would just be observing the animation and toggling through it. If that makes sense. I think that’ll be doable for my current skill level!
4. This is actually a good idea! Maybe I could have it so you can change if the characters involved in the animation are dressed, naked, horny?
5. I’m not sure if this would apply to my immediate plans, but we’ll see! Maybe have a photo mode so people can snapshot their favorite moments?
1. Did the game launch?
Yes, took some trial and error as my headset is a bit old. its a vive cosmos and it takes a bit to load all at once.
2. Did it detect your VR device and can you move around? You should be able to rotate and teleport.
auto detected with steam and viveport.
3. Can you hear the fire in the center of the room?
heard loud and clear
4. Is Jax dancing?
5. Do you have any suggestions? These can include game design suggestions, character design suggestions, etc. Anything really! Feedback of any kind is welcome.
Better performance option for older headests. 30fps frame cap option and more access with older type vr headsets as some have poor performance.
Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate your responses and will look into performance options.