Wolf (back)Pack

Wolf (back)Pack

Wolf (back)Pack Jax thought he caught a break when the wolf got away from the wall, but with some slick trickery, he quickly found himself as a seat for the large heavy beast! This animation/interactive was sponsored by Sam517 on FA. He had this fun idea and honestly...
Snow Chew

Snow Chew

Snow Chew A tiny little snow leopard ends up as a chew toy for a household wolf! Does the wolf know any tricks? Suggest some commands in the comments! v2.0 The wolf knows NOM! Featuring SLOW-MO action! Followed up by slight gurgling~ Does the wolf know how to release...
The Dragon’s Trap

The Dragon’s Trap

The Dragon’s Trap Originally Posted Jan 18th, 2019 This sergal was in trouble the moment he put his eyes on that pile of fruit. As soon as he sits down, he’s lunch! Now with audio and 4K! Special thanks to DinoBellyLover66 for his masterful audio work on...